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My Learning Plan

Go To My Learning Plan
All RIU6 workshops, courses, trainings, and meetings are posted to My Learning Plan (a web-based service for tracking and managing Professional Development activities for educators) 1-2 months prior to the event.  To register, click on the link below and browse the offerings.  If you are looking for a publicly available course, click on the General Catalog AFTER you log in.
  •  IU6 Staff Only
    • Presenters need to complete the My Learning Plan Activity Proposal for trainings and workshops for both the District and the General Catalogs.
    • Before submitting the proposal through My Learning Plan to Sue Wolbert (814) 226-7103 ext 5231, please make sure you meet the necessary approval process.
  • DISTRICT CATALOG: This is the 'IU6 School District'. It lists all the activities and meetings restricted to just IU6 staff.
  • Conference Form should only be filled out for conferences and or activities being held outside of IU6. Example:   PaTTAN, Tuition Reimbursement, etc.
  • Do not create a conference form for meetings/ workshops, and activities that appear in the District or General Catalogs.
  • GENERAL CATALOG: This is for school districts, career centers, non-public schools, and IU staff to register for workshops, courses, and activities that are open to anyone.
After you have completed your requested event, you MUST go back into My Learning Plan and mark the activity complete.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Sue Wolbert (814) 226-7103 ext 5231.