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Comprehensive Plan

Riverview IU's entire Comprehensive Plan can be accessed from the document attached here

Riverview IU 6

Intermediate Unit Plan



Mission Statement

To provide educational services that ensure the success of those we serve.


Vision Statement

To be the regional leader in creating and providing educational services.


Shared Values

TEAMWORK — a joint effort to provide focused RIU programs and services requiring our collective strength to meet challenging opportunities to serve others. 

COMMUNICATION — methods and activities that relay current RIU programs, services, and information.

ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY — ongoing organizational change and growth necessary to address local, state and federal initiatives.

RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT — improving the delivery of service by providing opportunities to increase the competency level of providers and receivers of RIU programs.


Educational Community

Riverview Intermediate Unit #6 (RIU6) is a regional educational service agency supporting the needs of the public and nonpublic schools in Clarion, Jefferson, Forest and Venango counties and parts of Armstrong, Butler, Clearfield, Crawford and Indiana counties, encompassing nearly 3,200 square miles in rural western Pennsylvania.

The RIU6 service territory includes the following school districts and career-technical centers: Allegheny-Clarion Valley, Brockway, Brookville, Clarion, Clarion-Limestone, Cranberry, DuBois, Forest , Franklin, Keystone, North Clarion County, Oil City, Punxsutawney, Redbank Valley, Titusville, Union, Valley Grove, Clarion County Career Center, Jeff Tech, and Venango Technology Center. Our school districts currently service approximately 23,000 students grades preK-12. RIU6 provides direct services through 45 IU-Operated classrooms in Special Education. RIU also provides itinerant services in our school districts and our classrooms. The Special Education student count in RIU service territory is 548 Preschool and 4,129 School Aged. Within these students our itinerants see about 1,200 students. As far as Non Public schools, we have approximately 2,340 students. Of these students, the Act 89 program services about 300.

RIU6 is one of 29 intermediate units across the state of Pennsylvania that provides support programs, training and therapy services to school districts and nonpublic schools in its region. Programs include: Curriculum, Technology, Early Intervention, Speech and Language, Itinerant Hearing and Vision Support, Emotional Support, Life Skills/Multidisabled Support, Penn Data (child tracking system), Gifted Coordinator Services, Nonviolent Crisis Intervention, Life Skills Vocational Services, Physical and Occupational Therapy Support, and Transportation.