Educational Programs
The Division of Educational Programs at Riverview Intermediate Unit provides professional education and curriculum support services dedicated to enabling school districts to maintain high standards in their delivery of a Free and Appropriate Public Education to exceptional students.
The function is to provide training activities and resources which result in an appropriate education aimed at increasing standards for all exceptional students.
Riverview Intermediate Unit operates curriculum and professional development programs which require a high degree of specialization, serves our service area students, administrators and teachers, as well as provides support to districts that request services from the Intermediate Unit.
The Training and Consultation Team (TaC) provides professional development to educators and administrators. Most of the professional development provided through TaC is free to districts serviced by RIU6 and can be accessed by submitting a Request for Professional Development. Areas of professional development include but are not limited to MTSS, Transition, LRE, Assistive Technology, and Autism.
The Technology Integrators group brings together technology coordinators, technology/media specialists, former CFF coaches, technology directors, etc. for networking. This personal learning network offers technology trainings, workshops and integration of new learning technologies.
Education Programs Contacts
Director of Educational Programs
Education Programs Specialist:
Kelsi Wilcox Boyles (814) 226-7103, x5211 webpage
Ben Brobst (814) 226-7103, x5113
Instructional Innovations Specialist
Katie Farbo (814) 226-7103, x5109